Being constipated can be really uncomfortable. However, many of us turn to pills and over the counter remedies which usually work as a quick fix. Unless you treat constipation at its source, these treatments don’t stop the condition from coming back.
There are various natural ways to cure constipation but Yoga is the best option among.
Yoga poses for Constipation
1. PawanmuktasanaPawanmuktasana was literally known as wind releasing the pose. Constipation sufferers will have a lot of gas trapped in their system. While practicing yoga for constipation and gas, Pawanmuktasana should be in your routine.
2. Baddha Konasana (Cobbler Pose) or Butterfly Pose
Bending forward to the cobbler pose helps to stimulate and improves the digestive system. Stomach bloating, gas and cramping associated with constipation are relieved with this butterfly pose.
3. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Seated Half Spinal Twist)
Ardha Matsyendrasana works better on the digestive tract by massaging the kidneys, stomach, pancreas, spleen, liver, and colon. This poses not only detoxify your system but also helps improve the bowel movements.
4. Halasana (Plow Pose)
Another great yoga poses for relieving constipation. Halasana is a strengthening pose that stimulates abdominal organs and helps improve digestion.
5. Balasana
The Balasana or Child’s pose helps in relieving constipation in a great way. This is a nontwisting resting pose that calms and de-stress the entire body, including abdominal organs. While practicing balasana, you will have a fold at the abdomen that massages the digestive tract.
Practice these yoga poses for constipation and lead a constipation free life.
Don’t neglect to consult the best gastroenterologist in Bangalore for better treatment of constipation if the symptoms are persistent.