are also known as hemorrhoids, which are swollen blood vessels in the bottom
area i.e. anal canal. They are a spread out of the naturally occurring
mesh-work of blood vessels lining the anal canal.
Hemorrhoids are not an easy disease. They are
extremely painful and can lead up to other diseases. Hemorrhoids are
embarrassing and can cause a lot of discomfort to a person suffering from it.
symptoms of hemorrhoids are visible as it is followed by
Blood loss,
Difficulty in passing stool,
Fatigue and
4 Types Of Hemorrhoids That Can Affect You
Internal hemorrhoids are the ones which grow
within the rectum and are encased in a lining called mucosa, which isn’t
sensitive. The internal hemorrhoids are usually painless and invisible and tend
to heal themselves.
The growth of hemorrhoids outside the anus,
which can be felt and seen, is often recognized as external hemorrhoids.
Uncomfortable and painful, external hemorrhoids are usually treated using pain
medications; however, under severe conditions, these need to be operated.
Also recognized as the later stages of
internal hemorrhoids, prolapsed hemorrhoids are when the hemorrhoids have
protruded through the anal canal. This type of piles often causes bleeding that
may appear during passing feces. Sometimes it is also followed by itching or
the feeling of incomplete evacuation
The thrombosed hemorrhoid can be identified
when external hemorrhoid has lapsed and formed a blood clot. This type of
hemorrhoid is extremely painful and needs immediate treatment. Thrombosed piles
can either resolve themselves or turn purple and swollen. This type of pile may
look scary but are not indicative of any serious health concerns.
it is always recommended to visit a qualified colo-proctologist to assess
your condition and recommend the necessary treatment.
So now that you know about the different types of
hemorrhoids, make sure you seek the right treatment at the right
time. It is very easy to make fun of people suffering from hemorrhoids, but the
pain and discomfort are unimaginable. Dr. Parameshwara C M, top hemorrhoid doctor in Bangalore offer his
guidance to the patients and helps them recover from the piles properly.